{Top Ten Tuesday} Things We’re Thankful For

Swoony Boys Podcast Top Ten Books We Recommend the Most   Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about the Top Ten Things We’re Thankful for. We’ve got so much to be thankful for, both bookish things and non-bookish things, so we decided to make our list a combo of all of them.  There’s no way we could mention it all here,but it’s a start.

We’re Thankful For:

Post-its, Stickies, & Index Cards

Go ahead and laugh, but we have geeked out more than once at a fresh pack of post-it notes. We use them to mark our favorites pages, lines, and descriptions, to plan super fun blog happenings, when we mail things to each other, and of course when we plan for big events like BEA and ALA we use them for our daily schedules. We’re pretty sure we’d be lost without these very important supplies.

Blog/Giveaway Planning!

Stickies marking the best parts!

♥ ♥ ♥

Nail Polish

We know it’s not a necessity, but that doesn’t make us any less thankful or it. It makes our hands look pretty, it’s tons of fun, and it can be matched to our favorite books. So really, what’s not to love?

Kassiah’s Asunder Nails!

♥  ♥  ♥

Amazon Prime

This little beauty helps us in lots of ways. We can’t even count the number of times we’ve found out late about a super awesome author event. that we just have to go to. How does Prime help with that? Well since we usually end up taking more books to be signed than anyone else in the room, having some of the books ahead of time is a must. With Amazon Prime we get free two-day shipping! It gets to us fast, and when we do giveaways it also means that things get to our readers fast too!

Amazon Prime


There are a lot of people that work incredibly hard to bring us all our favorite books. As a community we do a decent job at recognizing editors, authors, and even agents. But as bloggers and readers, we have to shout from the rooftops just how thankful we are for amazing publicists. Some we’ve only gotten to chat with through email, others we’ve been lucky enough to meet (and squeeze!) in person. No matter what, they are always there to give us their recs and share their love of books! Without them we would have missed out on some of our favorite reads!

♥ ♥ ♥

Our Twinnies

Our besties over at Fic Fare just had to make the list. We had loved them from afar for a while, but after our weekend together at BEA last year our love was solidified. You can find us gabbing monthly on the podcast about all our favorite boys , and on twitter just about anytime doing the same. They bring out the silly crazy best in us and we wouldn’t have it any other way. They are our life now.

The Fab Four!

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We’d love it if we were able to live next-door to each other, in fact we’ve dreamed of houses that connect by our own library. Sadly it hasn’t become a reality…yet. For the last two years, we have been able to do one thing though. We meet in NYC for BEA. It’s an exhausting, cankle-causing, and book crazy experience. And we love it. We walk away each year even more excited about books, authors, and publishers than we could have possibly imagined. All you have to do is check out our recap of last years trip here to see why!

We Love NY!

Our BEA books! (For all four of us!)

Meg’s Drawing of The Fab 4 at BEA!

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You’re never fully dressed without your… lip-gloss. Right? It doesn’t matter if you’re a LipSmackers girl like Meg, a sophisticated Tarte user like Kassiah, or somewhere in between. Whatever your choice, you know your lips will be soft, and of course, kissable. (We also recommend gum or mints just to seal the deal.)

Our lipgloss is cool…

♥ ♥ ♥


We are thankful for each and every book that we’ve read, and of course the authors who wrote them. It doesn’t matter if it was a book that we read when we were little, a book that we talk about on a daily basis, or a book that wasn’t really our thing. We know how much love goes in to each body of work and we can’t be anything but appreciative. Keep writing everyone… and we’ll keep reading.

♥ ♥ ♥

Swoony Boys

What would we be without Four, Etienne, Perry, Roar, and Archer? Who would we talk about without Isaiah, Levi, Jase, Travis, and Adam? Who would we swoon over without Joe, Wesley, Edward, Peeta, and Chase? We could list names forever and ever, but we’re pretty sure you get the point. We’re thankful for each and every boy, the ones we’ve ‘met’ and the ones just waiting to be read.

The Swoony Boy Smolder…

The Swoon.


♥ ♥ ♥

Each Other

We are borderline ridiculously thankful for each other. We’ve known each other for just about five years now and not a day goes by that we don’t share at least one giggle. We brainstorm, laugh, cry, and read together. Not a day goes by that we don’t wish we lived closer to each other, but for now talking on the phone and skype every single day of forever will do.


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If you’re reading this, then you should already know it. But we are so thankful for you.

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So, that’s our list. What are you thankful for? Let us know below!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. We it!


  1. Amazing list! I forgot to include my family/dogs on my list because I was too busy fangirling over a certain TV show that I’m thankful for and now I feel silly!


    Doris @ OABR

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