Swoony Boys Podcast Episode 11 – Foreign Mouths We Want to Kiss (with special guests: the girls from Fiction Fare) for Book Bangin’ (4)

We’re back with our twins, Jaime and Erin, from Fiction Fare, and this episode is all about Foreign Boys We Want to Kiss!

{Top Ten} Favorite Books We Read Before We Were Bloggers

Today we’re joining in on the fun of Top Ten Tuesday with our Top Ten Favorite Books We Read Before We Were Bloggers. This was a really difficult topic for us because we both love to read so much, it was touch trying to narrow it down to just ten books. Ultimately, we decided to […]

{Top Ten} Books We Recommend the Most

Today we’re joining in on the fun of Top Ten Tuesday with the Top Ten Books We Recommend the Most. We couldn’t just come up with a list of ten books, because whenever someone asks us for a rec, we always need to know what kind of book they want to read. With a little […]