Merry Christmas To All, And To All A Stack Of Books!


We’ve spent the last 12 days trying to show you just how grateful we are for all of you. Why? Because…

No, seriously. We are ridiculously lucky to have such a great group of people here (and on twitter!)  to share our crazy book love with! If we could, we would find each and every one of you and give you a big kiss. Instead, we’ll settle for hoping that you all find one of these Christmas morning:

In case you haven’t seen all of them, or forgotten to enter a few, here are the links to all of the #12DaysOfSwoon Giveaways we have going on for the next week! It’s all of our favorite things and we’re so glad we can give them away to our favorite people.

We also have a bunch of other giveaways happening on our “grown-up” site, Steamy Guys After Dark. Make sure you check them out as well!

Recipe For Romance Giveaways

  • Find (and enter!) all 31 HERE!

Merry Christmas to all of you! We love each and every one of you.


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🙂

OMG Let's Totally Talk About It...


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