Did you know that Activision and Penguin Young Readers Group have teamed up to encourage literacy? Aimed at readers ages 8-12, Activision and Penguin Young Readers have released 11 titles across a variety of formats with a circulation number of 1.8 million to date. With five books already released this year, Activision and Penguin Young Readers Group have two more on the horizon in The Mask of Power: Gill Brunt and the Curse of the Fish Monster (out today) and Book of Elements: Life and Undead (releasing February 20, 2014.)
The Mask of Power: Gill Brunt and the Curse of the Fish Monster
Activision and Penguin Young Readers Group are proud to continue their commitment to encourage fans of the Skylanders franchise to embrace reading, and we hope you’re right in there with them. Check out these Skylander titles and activity books: