October 2013

Join Us as We Wish Happy Birthday to some of the amazing Books releasing in October!

Welcoming the Fall Blog Hop

We’re excited to be participating in the Welcoming the Fall Blog Hop, sponsored by Good Choice Reading. We’re giving away one of our most anticipated reads of the century: Allegiant by Veronica Roth To enter, just fill out the rafflecopter form below: a Rafflecopter giveaway Win a pre-order of Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Open anywhere […]

September 2013

September 2013 has so many awesome new titles! Check out some of our most-anticipated reads.

{Waiting On} Allegiant by Veronica Roth (27)

It’s time for another installment of Waiting on Wednesday, where we give you the 411 on the books that we can’t wait to read. You know we’re all about the Divergent Series. Just check out the Divergent Lexicon for proof 🙂 Allegiant by Veronica Roth Anticipated Arrival Date: October 22, 2013 One choice will define […]

Swoony Boys Podcast Episode 9: Dystopian Boys We Want to Bang (with special guests: the girls from Fiction Fare) for Book Bangin’ (2)

We’re back with our twins, Jaime and Erin, from Fiction Fare, and this episode is all about Dystopian Boys We Want to Bang!

Birthday Bash Day One- Divergent

Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us and all the swoony boysssss, Happy Birthday to us!! Hey, swoony readers! It’s our one year anniversary and we’re celebrating with a week full of our fav books and daily giveaways for you! It’s our Birthday Bash! This won’t come as a surprise […]

{Book Bangin’} Top Book Boyfriends (1)

We are picky when it comes to the features/memes that we participate in, but when we saw that Kelly from Belle of the Literati was starting a “Book Bangin’” feature, there was no way we could resist. In the future we will be doing this one with our friends Jaime and Erin (Fiction Fare) via […]

Swoony Boys Podcast Episode 8 – We Love a Man in Uniform

Today we’re bringing you a special episode just for Independence Day, featuring books with military guys (and gals).