{Review} Not Exactly a Love Story by Audrey Couloumbis

Not Exactly a Love Story isn’t your typical run-of-the-mill profound coming of age story, but it was meaningful and a fun, quick read.

{Review} Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Hilarious, passionate, and real. Anna and the French Kiss set the swoon standard for all other YA romance and is absolutely required reading. Perfect book is perfect. C’est magnifique!

{Review} Subway Love by Nora Raleigh Baskin

Not your typical time-travel thriller, Subway Love features characters who face deep emotional issues and left us wanting more to their story.

{Review} #scandal by Sarah Ockler

Even with the sweet shoulder kisses, a boy we liked, and realistic emotions, #scandal was a tad on the too-dramatic side. We would prefer more from the characters and a better-developed plot instead of the canned preachy-ness, but we guess you can’t have everything.

{Review} Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg

A fast-paced super sweet coming-of-age tale of first loves and true friendship that poses an answer to the age-old question: can girls and guys really be just friends?

{Review} Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican

Emotional and intense, Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican is filled with drama and will have you turning the pages, absorbing the words as fast as you can take them in.

{Tour} Free to Fall by Lauren Miller {Review, Giveaway, + Author This or That}

Free to Fall is full of secrets, swoon, and conspiracies. It is perfection on every page.

{Review} The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith

If you’re looking for an adorable contemporary YA book with great characters, some swoonworthy moments and realistic, punch-you-in-the-gut feelings, The Geography of You and Me is the book for you.